8/16/2010 09:23:00 AM / /

on a puurrrfffeeect closing day...
hear your story
laughin on mine
smiling on yours...
even sabrina and michael franks smiling on us too... :p

on a puurrrfffeeect closing day...
i'm able to stroke u're cheek gently
holding u'r hand while we're talking
then kiss u'r hand when i'm about to leave...

on a puurrrfffeeect closing day...
lost every weary that my body feels
changed with serenity
you know, just like that solitude after the rain
wet land and rising sun...

on a puurrrfffeeect closing day...
wishing that i can experience it zillion times
and at last...closing our day together, with you in my arms...

on a puurrrfffeeect closing day...



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