you can be...

8/01/2009 10:44:00 AM / /

you can be a very hard working person, yet still financially poor
you can be a nice and good looking human, yet spend the rest of your life with nasty spouse
you can be a dilligent pupil, yet always gettin average grade
or you can be a pessimistic sarcastic guy, yet tasting the glamourous blaze of success and glory...

that's life
it is not always fair
but that is how it works

how hard we try
or how bad we want something to be
there's always be a possibility
even at the slightest probability
that we'll never gonna get it

pessimistic point of view? or sincerity?

well...sometimes certainty can kill us
or at least, suffering our soul with unexpected stab right into our heart...
leaving it bleeding because of ripped construction from what something will become in our mind

sometime it is better not to have a dream
and then another trap is being set
we dream for not having a dream...
denying our soul
denying our confusion
grasping for another certainty
..mortally certainty

(note at ciwalk
after watch UP, not Ice Age)



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